Monday, November 30, 2009

New logo!

I designed a new logo for my website, which will double as my watermark for images I put up on Flickr. I'm super excited, because I think this is something I can work with. :) Yay!

Check it out:

My website is currently in the works, being done by my friend, Andy Forwark. It's been a long time coming, but we've finally worked out something we can both benefit from, I think, so it should be up within the next week. *crosses fingers*

Brenna Mae

I had a photoshoot yesterday with a happy, bubbly little lady named Brenna Mae. Her parents are friends with my mom and my aunt, so I've known them for awhile and am so excited that they have a wee one! She's gorgeous and perfect and happy and snuggly and I love her. Haha. Her photo session was the easiest, fastest one I have ever done -- same with the editing. I think it's because she was so easygoing about the whole thing. I had so much fun with their session, and I hope I get to take pictures of this little pumpkin again! Here are some of my favorite photos from her session:

Monday, November 23, 2009

First Newborn Shoot

My cousin Jake and his wife, Laura, had a baby on October 27th, and I asked them if I could photograph their new little girl, Alaina Marie, to build up my portfolio and give me some experience with newborns. It was a very interesting morning! I was expecting little Alaina to sleep a lot more--she slept for the first 20 minutes, then was wide awake (and mad!) for the rest of it. But the shots I got turned out pretty well, I think. Here are some:

I can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving, Alaina! :)

Catching up!

I am running really far behind on updating my blog. I have two posts to make, and one to make soon of some new photos. For right now, here are some images of the lovely Eimile from our senior portrait session! She is completely adorable and we had a blast working together. The locations were so pretty (and we found some new ones, so that's always helpful to me!) and that girl knows how to dress herself. :) Anyway, here we go...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photo Sessions Galore!

Last Sunday I had a senior portrait session with the totally adorable Eimile. We found some great new locations and did some fun poses! I'm so excited at how the photos are turning out.

Today I did my very first newborn session with my new baby cousin, Alaina, who is not quite two weeks old. It was interesting to say the least! Her patience lasted about thirty minutes, and she was awake throughout most of it, so she was very wiggly. But I learned a lot about what I need to do for newborn sessions and that I need to plan better ahead of time, instead of just winging it. But it was super worth it, because I got to snug a little baby, which is my most favorite thing to do.

Tomorrow I am doing my first official engagement session. Granted, I am taking photos of two of my best friends, my cousin, Daniel, and his fiance, Hannah. So it should be a blast! It's easy to photograph people I know so well. I can boss them around without even thinking about it! :) And I get to include their two dogs, Haas and Gus, so that should be fun! We're going to trick them with treats to make them behave (and pose.)

In a couple of weeks, I get to photograph another baby, though I think she's about 5 months old. That's something new for me, too, and it will be lots of fun! I'm a busy bee this month and I couldn't love it anymore. :) If you want to help me become busier, just let me know, and we'll arrange a session!